by My Cake School
Tutorial - These will go down a treat at your next party.
First, you’ll need to pick out a sugar cookie recipe–just google “sugar cookies that do not spread”– the shapes become a little distorted and puffy otherwise.
Then, make that recipe and roll out your dough! Roll out in between two sheets of parchment paper. Roll to about 1/4″ thick (thick enough for a lollipop stick to fit into).
Move paper to a cookie sheet and cut out your shapes using a large circle cutter.
Leave your dough and cut shapes on the parchment and freeze for about 5 or 10 minutes (until firm). Now, it’s time to cut your mouth shapes!
Using the same circle cutter, to cut two different mouths—one big grin, and one pair of lips.
See it there in the top left corner?
You could also just cut out that v-shape with a knife.
Next, insert your lollipop stick and bake until slightly brown around the edges.
Time to decorate with royal icing! Outline shape with medium-stiff consistency royal icing, then flood with thin consistency icing.
This gives those kissy lips a smooth look. Use a toothpick to spread the icing to those hard-to-reach corners.
After they have dried, put them in a styrofoam block covered with CANDY!
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